Displaying 1 of 1 2023 Format: Three Dimensional Object (Artifact), Visual Materials Title: Ice breakers game kit [game]. Description: 1 game kit (Loaded questions junior, Let's mingle, Uno dare!, 5 ice breaker dice, and 6 dry erase markers) ; in container 9 x 7 x 4 in. Summary: A kit of several conversation starter and ice breaker games. Notes: Available for circulation at William Jeanes Memorial Library and Nicholas and Athena Karabots Center for Learning. Loaded questions: 4-6 players ; Let's mingle: 2+ players ; Uno dare!: 2-10 players. Ages 6+. Subjects: Communication. Games. Genre: Board games. Other Title: Loaded questions junior Let's mingle Uno dare! Current Holds: 0 System Availability:0 (of 0) Place Request Add to My List Expand All | Collapse All Where Is It? Librarian's View Displaying 1 of 1