Displaying 1 of 1 2004 Format: Three Dimensional Object (Artifact), Visual Materials Title: Ticket to ride [game] : the cross-country train adventure game! / Alan R. Moon. Publisher, Date: Los Altos, CA : Days of Wonder, 2004, 2012. Description: 1 game (1 board map of North American train routes, 240 colored train cars, 15 colored train stations, 158 illustrated cards, 5 wooden scoring markers, 1 rules booklet) : cardboad, plastic ; in box 30 X 30cm plastic Summary: Intense strategic and tactical decisions every turn! Players collect cards of various types of train cars they then use to claim railway routes in North America. The longer the routes, the more points they earn. Simple enough to be taught in a few minutes, and with enough action and tension to keep new players involved and in the game for the duration. Target Audience Note: Age 8 to adult. Notes: Title from rules booklet. For 2-5 players. Duration of play: 45 minutes. Game design by Alan R. Moon ; illustrations by Julien Delval. Subjects: Railroad trains -- Games. North America -- Games. Genre: Board games. Other Author: Moon, Alan R., 1952- Days of Wonder, Inc. Current Holds: 0 System Availability:4 (of 8) Place Request Add to My List Expand All | Collapse All Where Is It? Librarian's View Displaying 1 of 1